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What is HK stock price history?

HK (HK) has the following price history information. Looking back at HK historical stock prices for the last five trading days, on July 16, 2019, HK opened at $0.20, traded as high as $0.21 and as low as $0.18, and closed at $0.18. Trading volume was a total of 2.28M shares.

What is the Hong Kong stock index (HSI)?

The HSI is a free float adjusted market capitalization weighted index of selection of companies from The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Ltd. (the “HKSE”). The components of the index are divided into four sub-indices: commerce and industry, finance, utilities, and properties.

What is the abbreviation for H shares Hong Kong stock exchange?

H shares Hong Kong Stock Exchange Abbreviated name of stock:ZTE Stock code: 763 8 Hong Kong share registrar and transfer office Computershare Hong Kong Investor Services Limited Shops 1712–16, 17th Floor, Hopewell Centre, 183 Queen’s Road East, Wanchai, Hong Kong

What are the stock codes for Hong Kong?

The stock codes are : The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited – 1038; Reuters – 1038.HK; Bloomberg – 1038 HK.

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